Swimwear filter by Curvy Kate

In this section of our blog we are discussing all things swimwear, from what is in this year to whats not and which styles are the most flattering for your body

Curvy Kate Swimwear from Get Bras

Curvy Kate Swimwear from Get Bras

Curvy Kate introduced their SS15 swimwear collection with some fun and flirty designs with striking colors across gorgeous fabrics to make you stand out from the crowd! Curvy Kate launched in 2009 with the passion of fitting and supporting the correct Bra sizes to fuller busted ladies. Within the Swimwear collection SS15 we can see the on trend designs from bold and bright colors with electric designs to suit your perfect holiday look. We have picked out our top 3 collections from Curvy Kate Swimwear for you and we will be talking about their designs and key features. Curvy Kate Ocean Drive This collection is a statement making bold 60s inspired look with the gorgeous styling of the Halter neck Bikini top furbished with block hooped detailing on the strap and with a new foam lining with a plunging neckline for a more enhanced cleavage look. The Ocean Drive collection...
by Bras Honey on July 07, 2015




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