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Push Up Bras vs Lift Bras

Push Up Bras vs Lift Bras

Push Up Bras Vs Lift Bras What Is The Difference Bra Fitting Hacks What is the Difference between Lift bras or push up bras? In today's blog we will be reviewing two popular bra styles in 2021, This Bra Review Features And Benefits of a Lift bras and a push up bras. If you think that this information could be helpful to others please share. Here we will explain what these bras are and why there is a difference? What are the key features of these bra styles? and what breast shapes do these bras suit? I will explain all this during this Lingerie Review. We will help show you how to decide which of the two styles are best for you! When buying a bra you need to decide what you want the style to do for you, here we will highlight the differences of a padded bra and a push up bra....
by Bras Honey on February 17, 2021
New Year's Lingerie Traditions

New Year's Lingerie Traditions

New Year’s has arrived, a perfect day to spend time with your loved ones, create resolutions for the new year to come, make wishes and so much more, we have dug into different cultures to see what are their traditions for the new years are and we have found very peculiar traditions that caught our attention. For many the color of your lingerie you wear on New Year’s Eve will determine your luck in the year to come, 2021. Here are the colors and some of the meanings: Red: For a passionate and romantic year. Fantasie Fusion Red White: For a peaceful and harmonious year. Elomi Charley, White Pink: For better relationships with those around you. Freya Offbeat, Rosehip Purple: For having wisdom and creativity. Elomi Cate, Raisin Blue: For having wellness and good health. Fantasie Twilight, Ink Green: For having more wealth, fertility, balancing and growth. Freya Offbeat, Earl...
by Bras Honey on December 24, 2020





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